Check out team PNA in the May 2018 edition of the BMC Brief, where Dr. Abbott talks about how the use of prenatal aspirin addresses disparities in prenatal morbidity and mortality, while trying to improve outcomes for Black mothers and their babies here at BMC.
1.8.2018: Dr. Abbott spoke at March of Dimes "Saving Lives: Preventing Preeclampsia With Low-Dose Aspirin" Click here to watch the full panel.
4.10.2018: Our team presented at the Health Equity Symposium where we won 1st place for our poster in recognition of our significant work to promote Health Equity.
6.13.2018: Members of team PNA attended March of Dimes Lobby day at the Massachusetts Statehouse on June 13th.
11.12.18: PNA presents baseline barriers to aspirin implementation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo in San Diego, CA.
4.10.2019 PNA Presents our 2018 delivery outcomes at the 2nd Annual Health Equity Symposium.